A party

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to print

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We are

  • Sarah Garcin ⟿ sarahgarcin.com
  • Raphaël Bastide ⟿ raphaelbastide.com
  • PrePostPrint




    Free software

    Experimental publishing

    A party to print

    The current libre / open source toolset allows pushing the boundaries of book making. During the last 10 years, in a wish to go beyond limits imposed by proprietary software, designers, artists and collectives researched new ways of thinking the publishing chain. PrePostPrint, initiated by Raphaël Bastide and Sarah Garcin in 2017 is a network made up of such people, events and tools. The collective shares ways of crafting graphic objects, with alternative, libre or DIY tools or made in a certain context constrained by its economy, its emergency or its collaborative nature.

    The goal of the seminar A Party to Print is to organize a party within the school, to get it documented, and to print a book about it. This book will be the party, and the party will be the book. Students will have to develop and design dedicated digital protocols and tools to live document the event, using automation, HTML to print, single source publishing, live collaboration, generative typography / layout / content…

    Even if no specific knowledge is required, we will make sure to create a balanced group to collaborate on code, design, food, and event organization (see skills later).

    Each team will have to take care of both the party version and the book version of their mission. E.g. The cooking team will have to prepare and serve food during the party, and will also have to imagine and develop how “food” will be present in the book. For instance the cooking team will prepare a table with food presented in a specific grid already compatible with the final book format and grid. A photograph device will shot this table being emptied and the resulting sequence will appear in the “food” section of the book.

                       xxxxxxx.  TEAMS
                  xxxxxx            .
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    DEVICES                             xx
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            xx                      .    
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    Create hybrid and performative publishing experiments, designed to be compatible with the event and the publication.

    Skills needed



    May 4, May 17, June 1, June 5
    Work on the devices, book layout, systems, and party

    June 29
    Preparing the party, installation, party

    July 13
    Ending the book design, printing book binding

    July 18
    Public presentation